Dr. Marcus Hosser, TEP
Where did Dr. Hosser complete his doctorate and what means the suffix TEP?
In 2007, Marcus Hosser was awarded with a doctorate by the University of Mannheim/Germany and became a German doctor of laws. His dissertation dealt with data protection issues combined with business law aspects.
In 2011, the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP Ltd.), London, accepted him as a full member of STEP. He is entitled to carry the name suffix “TEP”. STEP is the leading worldwide professional body in the field of trusts and estates. Full members of STEP are the most experienced and senior practitioners in the areas of trust and estate law.
In which legal fields has Dr. Hosser specialized and since when?
Marcus Hosser has specialized in inheritance law, inheritance disputes, estate litigation in Germany, succession planning and in company succession, including international inheritance law and international succession planning. Since 2008, Dr. Hosser advises clients from Germany and also from abroad about German inheritance law for foreigners as one of his core areas of counselling.
Marcus Hosser, in his position as a specialist inheritance lawyer, and his law firm focus on inheritance law issues.
Marcus Hosser has published numerous professional articles in legal journals and other media, most of which have dealt with the legal issues succession, asset protection, and tax related topics.
He has published the following articles in international journals in English:
„The Return on Investment in International Succession Planning”, World Commerce Review, December 2013 Volume, pages 52-54.
„Live and let die under the EU Succession Regulation’s regime” World Commerce Review, March 2014 Volume, page 86.
Since when does the law firm for succession law DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt exist?
Our law firm was established in 2011 by Dr. Hosser. We counsel entrepreneurs, medium-sized companies and especially private clients regarding all legal aspects of cases of succession and related German taxes, such as the German inheritance tax.
Dr. Hosser, the founder, has long term experience with inheritance law, inheritance tax law, company and corporate law as well as with business law. He previously worked for around six years for leading German law firms with excelled experience in the field of succession. Those Germany-based large law firms operate in national as well as international context.
The renaming as Specialist Law Firm for Inheritance Law took place in 2020, in order to showcase for prospective clients that our law firm focuses on cases of succession, estate planning and on inheritance disputes, whereby quite a number of international successions have close connections to Germany.
Our clients appreciate the personal and individual counselling provided by Marcus Hosser. He personally advises and represents you outside of court, during in court proceedings and prior to such proceedings. Marcus Hosser counsels in English and in German.
Can Dr. Hosser’s specialization be deducted from his memberships?
Yes, as Marcus Hosser is member of the following professional associations:
- German Association for Inheritance Law and Succession (Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge, DVEV e. V), www.dvev.de
- Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP Ltd.), London: Full Member https://www.step.org/
- Centre for company succession of the Mannheim University (zentUma e. V.)
- Working group Inheritance Law of the German Federal Bar Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erbrecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins),
- Inheritance International Club (Erben International e. V.)
- Karlsruhe Bar Association and German Bar Association (Anwaltsverein Karlsruhe und Deutscher Anwaltverein, DAV e. V.).
What does the short CV of the law firm founder Dr. Marcus Hosser look like?
Studies of law at the University of Mannheim/Germany with special interest groups commercial law and company law. German lawyer since 2005.
Associate of CMS Hasche Sigle one of the leading German business law firms from 2005 to March 2008. Member of two specialist divisions: Tax Law, as well as Succession and Assets.
Conferral of a doctorate in 2007 by the University of Mannheim.
Associate from 2008 to 2011 of the highly renowned, internationally operating German law firm Flick Gocke Schaumburg in Frankfurt am Main. Primarily tasked with counselling private clients, focusing on successions, estates and foundations, especially international company succession (with connections to the USA and to Canada).
The German law firm Flick Gocke Schaumburg, was the winner of the highly appreciated JUVE-Awards for Succession, Assets and Foundations for the year 2010.
Full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), London, since 2011. Long term member of the German Bar Association’s working groups “Tax Law” and “Inheritance Law”. (Memberships)
Established the law firm DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt with offices in Frankfurt/Main and Karlsruhe in 2011.
Allowance to carry the designation Certified Tax Lawyer (Fachanwalt fuer Steuerrecht) in 2012 and Certified Inheritance Lawyer (Fachanwalt fuer Erbrecht) in 2014.